10 Tips on Establishing a Good Mental Health Routine

Mental health is overlooked by a lot of people, as they don’t really see it as an important aspect of our lives to focus on. Instead, they are more focused on physical health, which is justified given that problems with our physique or specific body parts are more noticeable and should be prevented and cured at all costs. 

However, what most people don’t know is that mental health can also have an effect on our physical health if it is not taken care of. Some of the physical problems that we may deal with when we don’t have good mental health are headaches, digestive problems, fatigue, and insomnia. So, it is important for us to also take care of our mental health, and one way to do so is by having a good and effective mental health routine. If you want to create a good mental health routine, here are some tips that you can follow to get started.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep for good mental health, as research shows that people that get six or more hours of sleep have better mental health than those that don’t. In addition to getting sleep, you should also practice sleeping late and waking up early so that you will have a better mood in the morning, which then allow you to be more productive in doing various activities that are good for your mental health.

Create Habits for Sleeping and Waking Up Early

Having a good sleep can be quite difficult, especially if your body clock is already used to sleeping late and waking early for you to go to work or school. But you have to do your best in order to break that habit, as getting enough sleep is very beneficial not only for your mental health but also for your physical health. 

You should create certain habits that would help you sleep and wake up early, which could include avoiding drinking coffee late at night, using an alarm clock to determine when you should sleep or wake up, and making your bedroom as quiet and clean as possible. If the temperature is too warm in the room, you should get an air conditioner so that you will have a better sleep under a slightly colder and more relaxing temperature.

If you find it challenging to sleep fast at night, some sleep aids may benefit you. To learn more about these, read our article about Doxylamine Succinate Vs Diphenhydramine – Which Is The Better Sleep Aid.

Eat Healthy Meals

Besides getting good sleep, you should also eat very healthy meals throughout the day. A healthy meal can also be beneficial for your mental health, as it can help in reducing fatigue and stress, which are often the main causes of depression and anxiety, and a good meal can also provide you with enough energy to work or study. A healthy meal often consists of foods that are rich in nutrients like bananas, whole grains, salmon, and beans. You can check online for the best recipes that will give you everything you need to stay fit and healthy.

Drink Plenty of Water Everyday

Dehydration can cause serious problems for physical and mental health, so you should always drink plenty of water every day. Whenever you don’t drink enough water, there is a high chance that you will have increased stress and fatigue, and dehydration would also lead to serious medical issues that can be quite problematic in the long run. Experts would say that you should drink at least half a gallon or two liters of water every day. So, rehydrate your body every now and then so that your body will have sufficient amounts of energy that will help you feel much more positive.

Learn to Take a Break

Overworking can be a bad habit for many people, as it just increases your stress and makes your feel more fatigued, and this tiredness that you feel will eventually affect your mental health. So, in order to not get overworked at the office or in school, you should learn to take a sufficient break every once in a while, and you should also think that taking a break is never really a bad idea, especially if you have worked hard for many days, weeks, or months. During break time, you should get some naps if you feel tired or just lie down on a comfortable sofa and be relaxed.

Practice Meditation

While taking a break, you will also have the opportunity to practice meditation. Meditating is a great way for you to reflect on your life and what you want to do in the present. Most of us are often afraid of what will happen in the future, and this fear leads to anxiety. 

So, it is important to practice meditation so that you can only think about the present and how you are feeling. Meditation also makes you feel more relaxed, as you don’t really have to focus on any specific thoughts and just let your mind wander in a calming manner. Practice meditation during break or after waking up so that you will feel better afterward.

Get Some Exercise

An activity that you should do every day or every other day is exercise. According to research, exercising allows our body to produce hormones called endorphins, which are greatly beneficial in reducing stress and improving one’s mood. So, endorphins are effective in reducing depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. We recommend that you get some exercise for just 15 to 30 minutes every day after waking up, and once your body is already used to it, you should get a full workout once or twice a week.

There are times when exercising cause our thighs to rub against each other, which leads to inner thigh chafing. If you experience this, you can check out our article about How to Avoid Inner Thigh Chafing for the best tips and recommendations.

Relax Under the Sunlight

If you have free time during the morning, you should try getting some sunshine, which is actually a great source of Vitamin D, and it is healthy to relax under the sunlight as long as it isn’t too hot. Besides relaxing under the sunlight and enjoying a cup of tea, you should try taking a 5-minute walk around the neighborhood to also get a little bit of exercise.

Lessen Your Time on Social Media

Social media can often present us with unreal expectations, like people getting luxury cars, having a successful career, or living in a mansion. However, most of us aren’t really lucky to get these luxurious items and possessions, but because we don’t have the capabilities to get those, we often develop jealousy, and this jealousy would then set us to having unreal expectations of ourselves, which would then eventually lead to anxiety and depression. 

So, instead of spending more time on social media, you should have less time for it because you should focus more on yourself and what you have instead of thinking or being jealous about other people’s achievements that they post online. You can delete social media apps on your phone immediately, or you can just slowly spend less and less time on those apps every day.

Have Time to Talk to Loved Ones

There are often situations and issues that you will not be able to deal with alone, so reach out to your loved ones who are there for you whenever you need them. Talking about your problems in life and sharing them with others is much better than just keeping them to yourself, as sharing could often help in releasing all the stress, anxiety, and sadness that you feel deep inside. Don’t be afraid to share your problems and issues, especially with loved ones that will always have your back.

We hope that we have really helped you in creating a good mental health routine by reading this article and following the tips we provided above. If you feel like you can’t handle your issues with mental health, even by following our tips, you should seek help from a psychiatrist that will offer you the best guidance to have a better mindset in life.