What are Weighted Lap Pads and Their Benefits?

What are Weighted Lap Pads and Their Benefits?

There is a lot of research that demonstrates the importance of the human touch. From a developmental standpoint, babies literally can’t survive without human touch. In fact, even in the first hour after birth, skin-to-skin contact has been shown to help regulate the temperature, heart rate, and breathing of newborns, and it …

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Guide to Buying Wheelchair Cushions

Choosing the right wheelchair cushion is essential, whether the patient sits in a wheelchair most of the day or only uses it occasionally when going out. It’s because a wheelchair cushion affects the posture and ability to move freely and helps prevent the development of pressure ulcers. According to the Society of …

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Essential Items to Help Elderly Patients When Eating

One of the essential parts of taking care of the elderly is providing them with nutritious and delicious food to keep them healthy. In addition to that, it is also great to serve them their favorite meals or bring them to their favorite restaurants and spend some quality time with friends or …

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Guide to Buying Bedwetting Alarms

The involuntary excretion of urine during sleep is referred to as nocturnal enuresis or more commonly known as bedwetting.  The nighttime loss of bladder control is usually associated with young children. However, seniors may also suffer from involuntary urination for different reasons. In the elderly, causes of nighttime incontinence include urinary tract …

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The Benefits of Using Sensory Cushions

There are times when certain people find it difficult to sit still and concentrate on a specific task. This is very common among children but can also be experienced by adults or older adults who are suffering from cognitive and memory issues like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a …

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Tips to Encourage Someone with Dementia to Eat More

Alzheimer’s or dementia is a brain disease that causes damage to one’s cognitive and reasoning abilities, resulting in severe loss of his/her mental functioning. A person with dementia would not eat like a normal person; he will try to avoid even his favorite food. If you are a caregiver and your elderly …

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Early Signs of Dementia/Alzheimer’s in Elderly

Dementia and Alzheimer’s is not quite the same thing; Dementia is an umbrella term that describes different symptoms affecting a person’s cognitive ability that includes their ability to brainstorm, reason, and remember. While on the other hand, Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that causes the brain cells to waste away. According to …

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