Elderly Help – Making a Plan

Do you need a Plan? If you’re giving or needing elderly help for a loved one, you may get surprised at what you’ll need to know about. Learn from the details that we will share with you in this article, and you will surely succeed.

Caregiving can come upon us suddenly. No matter what the circumstances you are dealing with, from nutrition to senior activities, this page will help you quickly and methodically create a Plan, or hone your current one.

You do not have to worry as we will provide you with a complete list, which will prove very beneficial for you. It encompasses the main areas of caregiving – health care, safety, personal needs, social needs, and daily tasks and housekeeping.

This page has been developed to help you figure out the assistance you or your loved one may need. It involves detail, so a Plan will make it less stressful and more satisfying.

If your loved one has been hospitalized, some of the decisions about elderly help will be made for you or with you by a health care professional or social services representative. You may be advised that they must move to assisted living or a nursing home, either temporarily or permanently.

1. Health Care

A good elderly help plan consists of first discovering and dealing with health care issues. These will also trigger lots of other needs. You will get information on some items below because of hospital stays or visits with elderly health care providers.

If you are taking care of elderly parents, go with them to their medical appointments to make sure everything is understood correctly and can be carried out.

Make a list in advance of your questions and discussion items regarding your elderly help Plan and health concerns. Speak with the doctors yourself, and repeat back the information given.

Note it down; so everyone is very clear about diagnosis and procedures. It eliminates confusion or misinterpretation by your loved one, who may not hear or understand well.

Many senior people will only cooperate if they hear information directly from their doctor. Find out what will work regarding the care of the elderly in-home. For instance, you may have someone at your home who had severe hearing and vision loss and is almost deaf and blind.

Here is a list of possible health concerns. When making your outline, remember to ask yourself:

Who, What, When, How.

Make sure medical appointments are up to date.
___ Needs help to set and remembering appointments
___ Needs help to get to appointments
___ Medication reminders
___ Medication set up
___ Total medication management
___ Needs help to pick up prescriptions
___ Shows signs of vision loss – require vision aid
___ Shows signs of hearing loss – need a hearing aid
___ Needs special equipment – a walker, cane, wheelchair
___ Shows signs of incontinence
___ Needs foot care
___ Needs ear cleaning care
___ Needs regular exercise
___ Has frequent bruising or sores
___ Skin tone has apparent changes
___ Pre- or post-surgery care
___ Wound care
___ Skin condition care
___ Loss of appetite
___ Daily “I’m OK” check-in
___ Talk to a health care social worker about resources for assistance
___ Understand Medicare and Medicaid guidelines for aid
___ If the elderly was a veteran, talk to the VA about aid
___ Ask any professional helping you about elderly assistance
___ Other

2. Safety

A well-built elderly help Plan includes many safety issues, some that result from health problems. Seniors often try to maintain their independence fiercely. They may not even mention they are having problems. They may only leave subtle clues that something has happened.

Safety measures must be of primary importance when your parents or a loved one moves in with you. But you had to watch and pick their brains to discover precisely to what extent. It is crucial to be observant chiefly about frequent forgetfulness, or else, you may never know what is going on.

Here are some of the safety issues that may need attention.

___ Not able to use stairs
___ Frequently trips
___ Trips on carpet or other floorings – no longer safe
___ Falls that cause injuries
___ Has more bruising or sores
___ Slips in the bathroom, at either tub or toilet
___ Needs walker or cane
___ Causes cooking accidents or fires
___ Forgets to turn off stove or water
___ Remove or unplug stove and oven
___ Remove or unplug the microwave
___ Monitor age of food in the refrigerator
___ Forgets to lock doors or close windows
___ Does not regulate the temperature in the home
___ Causes spills
___ Forgets where he/she is in familiar places
___ No longer safe to drive
___ Needs emergency response device or pendant
___ Other

3. Personal Needs

All facets of an elderly help Plan require sensitivity to personal dignity. And patience. As we age, daily personal routines and grooming tasks become more difficult or even impossible.

Senior people who had been used to taking care of others now find themselves needing assistance with basic daily tasks. It is a sensitive issue when caring for elderly parents. It can cause embarrassment to them. And maybe to you.

Being very honest, understanding, and supportive is the best way. Many solutions allow caring for the elderly in-home, but you may also need outside help from a home healthcare service. Review the list below, and you may even add any additional areas for elderly assistance as well.

___ Cannot transfer from chair or bed or toilet
___ Bathing assistance
___ Buttoning help
___ Dressing help
___ Putting on shoes or tying shoes
___ Shaving, washing, brushing teeth
___ Toenail clipping and foot grooming
___ Other grooming needs
___ Toileting assistance
___ Needs particular incontinence products

If you want to learn more about elderly nutrition, check out our article on Elderly Nutrition Problems and Solutions.

4. Social Needs

An elderly help plan also must include social needs and various senior activities. It can be a vital part of any healing process. You can imagine that the changes mentioned above can have a significant impact on the older person psychologically.

One of the reasons your parents or loved ones moved in with you is their age-related health issues. It may not be possible for them to socialize or participate in groups with vision and hearing loss conditions.

They may not be able to identify or recognize anyone who comes to see them or understand much of what someone says to them. The older people may not be able to see the people they are talking to.

Health and nutrition issues can cause changes in healthy brain processes and can cause confusion and depression. You can find assistance available through a health care provider familiar with the care of the elderly. A secure social support system is a crucial factor in dealing with elderly issues. Here are some items to review for social needs.

___ Lost interest in former hobbies and activities
___ Little conversation with friends and family
___ Needs scheduled social activities
___ Needs escort or transportation to activities
___ Enroll in Adult Day Care programs
___ help with hobbies
___ May need books on tape if reading is difficult
___ May enjoy being read to
___ Need help with computer activities
___ Join senior center and activities
___ Participate in community meals at the senior center
___ Arrange for in-home senior companion visits
___ Plan an exercise program, especially with others

You may also check out our article What are Picture Dialer Phones and Their Benefits for the Elderly? for more tips and recommendations.

5. Daily Tasks and Housekeeping

The care of the elderly may also require a new approach to handling everyday tasks. Watch for signs of problems and assist your loved one in developing a system. Providing elderly help in these areas can give immediate relief. Remember to ask – Who, What, When, How.

___ Laundry piles up – needs help
___ Clothing needs mending
___ help cleaning house
___ Remove trash
___ Getting mail from the mailbox
___ Reading mail
___ Paying bills
___ Pest control
___ Regulating temperature of the home
___ Opening and closing windows for fresh air
___ Eliminating odors in the home
___ Sorting and eliminating unnecessary junk
___ Sorting old paperwork
___ Downsizing and simplifying possessions


A good plan is always important to have, especially when faced with challenges.  Elderly care is definitely challenging but planning for all the possibilities for the help you may need and eliminating potential risks can go help significantly with making the situation more manageable.