Pasta Angel Craft


The pasta angel craft is inexpensive and easy to make, and there are lots of ways to decorate it. You can use them for many things. Use them as ornaments, hang from a light or window, or tuck into the ribbon of a package. You can even use them on a centerpiece.

These were very popular a few years back when I learned how to make them with a friend. You could find them a lot at craft fairs, so we decided to learn to make them ourselves.

Many kinds of pasta can be bought in bulk at the grocery store or health food store, so you only must get as much as you want. Look at all the kinds available, and then figure out how you want to put it together. This sample is just a guideline! (Sorry, I can remember all the actual names of the different kinds of pasta!)

Here’s some supplies you will need

  • Large pasta tube for body
  • The head is a large bead
  • Needle and thread to hang the angel (from the bead head)
  • Fan shaped pasta for the wings
  • Macaroni for the arms
  • Small tube-shaped pastas for the hair
  • Marker to make the face (someone else had to show me how to make this, but it’s simple to draw!)
  • Something for the angel to hold – a simple book, flower, even a hobby item.
  • Scissors, glue gun
  • White (or other color) spray paint

First, run the thread up through the bead to make the hanger. Put a dab of glue to keep it in place. Glue the bead on to the body. Then glue on the pasta tubes for the hair.

Glue on the arms and put the object the angel will be holding in the arms. Glue the wings on the back of the body. Let all the glue dry very well. You can add additional glue in places that may need it to make it extra strong.

When dry, spray paint the whole thing all one color. Let it dry. Then draw or paint on the face.



That’s about it! Several steps, but easy to do. Elderly people could make a pasta angel craft if they can handle small pieces. And certainly, with help. If they can’t use a hot glue gun, then you could use another strong type of glue. These are fun to make with a group, with plenty of oohs and aahs, and even some laughs.

This pasta angel craft is very lovely when you are done. But it is also very delicate and could break unless handled carefully. I suggest that they be stored in tissue paper in a box when not in use.

Editor’s Note: Be sure to also see Craft Ideas for Seniors.