A Guide to Electric Wheelchairs

electric wheelchair buttons and controller

There are different kinds of wheelchairs that are available for seniors and people with disabilities to use, and one of the most popular is the electric wheelchair. This type of wheelchair is powered by batteries that can be recharged using electricity. Besides being run by batteries and electricity, what are the other …

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Wheel Chair Buying Guide Part 3: Things to Consider

Introduction Buying a wheelchair can be a costly affair and there is also no such thing as one-size-fits-all thing. That’s why its important to consider a few things before buying any type of wheelchair, including shape and size of the body, lifestyle habits, medical condition, personal preferences and the terrain where a …

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Wheel Chair Buying Guide Part 2: Motorized aka Power Wheelchairs

Introduction Motorized, power or electric wheelchairs are designed for people who are unable to self-propel manual wheelchairs or need partial/full propulsion assistance. People suffering from chronic conditions such as spinal cord injury usually don’t have the upper body strength needed to propel manual wheelchairs. Motorized wheelchairs help such people participate in routine …

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