Tips for Keeping Your Tongue Moisturized

Dry mouth usually occurs when your mouth is not producing enough saliva, and overall it can be extremely uncomfortable. There are many reasons because of why you may be experiencing dry mouth. Certain medications, infections, and dehydration are the most common causes, due to which you can experience a dry tongue or a dry mouth. 

When you experience such a problem, it is important that you do not ignore it and treat it as soon as possible. There are many products on the market that can help you deal with a dry mouth. These include; oral rinses, sprays, gels, mouthwashes, lozenges, and more. These products effectively moisten the inside of your mouth and help increase salvation as well. 

When you use these products alongside other home remedies, you can instantly solve your issue of having a dry mouth. Read ahead to find out some common tips as well as specialized products to help keep your tongue moisturized. 

Dangers of having a dry mouth

When your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva to keep your tongue moisturized, the glands in your mouth are essentially deviating from how they usually function. Therefore, it is important that you do not ignore the signs and treat your dry mouth as soon as possible. If you leave a condition such as dry mouth, or xerostomia, untreated, it can lead to various issues that may cause even more pain and discomfort later on. 

Here are some unwanted diseases that can develop if you leave a dry mouth untreated.

Disease Symptom Causes
Halitosis (bad breath) Dry mouth, plaque around teeth, a white coating on your tongue, a metallic taste in your mouth Bad oral hygiene, and leaving signs such as dry mouth untreated. 
Cavities Toothaches, tooth sensitivity, pain while eating, pits or holes in your teeth Poor oral hygiene such as leaving the mouth dry and bad breath untreated, poor diet choices and stomach acids
Gingivitis Swollen or puffy gums, bad breath, tender gums Poor oral hygiene such as leaving dry mouth or xerostomia, and bad breath untreated
Yeast Infection Dry and cracked skin at the corner of your mouth, bad taste in your mouth, white or yellow patches or bumps in your cheeks, tongue or lips Illness, bad breath, and dry mouth
Improper denture fit Discomfort, bad breath, clicking sound when eating, pain in the gums Gum irritation, shrinking of facial features that may be caused by loss of moisture in your mouth.

Tips to keep your mouth hydrated

If you have a dry mouth, there are some changes that you can make to your everyday life, such as drinking more water and consuming a diet, that will help you combat xerostomia and keep your tongue hydrated. These include the following

Drink water

The main cause of a dry mouth or dry tongue is a lack of water. The easiest way to solve it is to consume more water. You should aim to drink the recommended amount throughout the day. If you are unable to, ensure that you take adequate sips of water throughout the day. You can also keep a bottle next to you at all times. 

Chew on hard candy

Chewing on hard candy, or even gum may help you in moistening your tongue and your mouth. Chewing activates the saliva glands, which help keep your mouth hydrated. Therefore, if you chew gums, saliva will help moisten your mouth. However, make sure that the candy or gum is sugar-free as you do not want to consume excessive calories.

Don’t smoke or chew tobacco.

Tobacco is one of the worst substances for your oral health. Therefore, it is important that you stay clear of all kinds of tobacco-laden products. They are one of the worst things for a dry mouth, as they can further worsen it. If you smoke, quitting smoking can also help fix or better the issue of dry mouth. Furthermore, it can make your overall health a lot better. 

Try over-the-counter saliva substitutes.

There are many different kinds of over-the-counter saliva substitutes available that can help reduce the issue of a dry mouth. Such products include oral sprays, gels, and more. You should ideally look for products that contain ingredients such as xylitol, carboxymethylcellulose, or hydroxyethyl cellulose. Furthermore, mouthwash can also help with a dry tongue or dry mouth.

Different kinds of products to prevent dry mouth

If you intend to use a product to fix the problem of dry mouth, there are many different products that can assist you. Some common ones include oral rinses, sprays, gels, and lozenges. All of these are in various forms but perform the same function in bettering your oral health by upping the moisture in your mouth.

Oral Rinses

Oral rinses or mouthwashes are a liquid solution that you have to swish around in your mouth and ensure that it washes over your teeth, gums, and tongue. It helps promote oral hygiene and prevents issues, such as oral discomfort and other diseases from arising. Furthermore, it also provides moisture to oral tissues. Oral rinses also help reduce bad breath.

Oral Spray

There are many different kinds of oral sprays, including those that are designed to help solve dry mouths. Such oral sprays give instant relief to the symptoms of dry mouth, and you feel better right after you spray it. Oral sprays also help freshen your breath and are super convenient to use on the go,

Oral Gels

An oral gel is another popular product used to help moisten the tongue and mouth. These gels help provide protection against a dry mouth. It moisturizes your gums and other oral tissues. Thus, you get long-lasting relief from the symptoms of a dry mouth or dry tongue.


Dry Mouth can cause extreme discomfort, and it is better to solve this issue as soon as you feel it. As the article above lists, there are many natural remedies that you can try. However, you can also try some over-the-counter products such as lozenges, mouth patches, mouthwashes, mints, etc. This article has listed some of the best products that can help you fight off dry tongue and mouth instantly.