Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Mattress

A good night’s sleep is an important part of having a healthy and productive life, and your mattress plays a pivotal role in ensuring just that. However, a lot of us overlook the importance of taking care of our mattresses, which can greatly affect their lifespan and overall performance. That is why, in this article, we are going to explore some valuable tips for extending the lifespan of your mattress, helping you get the most out of your investment and enjoy restful nights for many years.

Whether you are looking to make your current mattress last longer or are in the market for a new one and want to ensure it serves you well, these insights can help you. With this, let us delve into the world of mattress maintenance and discover the secrets to preserving your bed’s comfort and support. 

Ways to Make Your Mattress Last Longer

putting a mattress on a bed frame

Below are some of the best ways that we’ve put together to keep your mattresses protected to make them last longer:

Ensure that Your Mattress is Supported Well

It is important to make sure that your mattress is well-supported. You don’t really need to buy expensive box springs or foundations. Simply having a sturdy platform will help guarantee that your mattress wears evenly and as it should.

Remember that innerspring mattresses often require a box spring, whereas foam beds require a stable foundation. If your bed has a wooden base, be sure it can take the weight of the mattress as well as the people lying on it.

Utilize a Mattress Protector

mattress with protective cover

Using a mattress protector can be a game changer. Even if you are sure that you are neat and tidy when it comes to your bed or mattress, remember that accidents may still occur. Accidents and spills may happen, and using a waterproof mattress protector can ensure that nothing finds a way from the duvet or sheets into the mattress and ruins it.

Aside from liquids and fluids, our bodily oils and skin flakes can also go through the sheets and into the mattress, even if we’re unable to see them. Therefore, using a mattress protector can be handy. There are various types of protectors that you can find in the market. Ensure that you pick one that matches the size and height of your mattress. 

There are two popular styles, which are the fitted mattress protector and the encasement mattress protector:

  • Fitted Mattress Protector: This goes on the bed the way a fitted sheet does. This is easy to find as they are easy to get on and off the mattress, and they are also affordable. There are waterproof versions, and some have a mattress pad-type top. But with this protector, just the very surface of your mattress will be protected because the sides may be made of just polyester. 
  • Encasement: This type encases and protects the whole mattress. It covers all six sides of the mattress and can be zipped up to the side. Most people who use encasement mattress protectors are commonly trying to avoid allergens or giving bedbugs access to the mattress. 

Using mattress protectors can also help you keep the warranty on your mattress. This is due to the fact that many warranties are worthless if the mattress gets discolored with any drinks or fluids. 

Do Not Jump or Bounce on the Bed

woman jumping on the bed

Not only is jumping or bouncing in the bed unsafe, it is also ruining the mattress. This action puts unnecessary pressure on the mattress, potentially damaging it over time. Furthermore, you risk breaking the box spring beneath the mattress or the bed frame, which is not designed to withstand the weight of toddlers or adults jumping.

Do Not Eat in Bed

For many people, a simple snack in bed may seem harmless. However, tiny crumbs that go unnoticed may attract bugs and other small critters. Bugs will appear if there are crumbs left around. The most common bugs include ants and cockroaches. If you are going to eat in your bed, no matter what, it is important that you change your sheets frequently. Changing sheets every three days is recommended.

Flip or Rotate Your Mattress Regularly

One of the ways to keep your mattress in good shape is by rotating and flipping it. Sleeping in the same position every night might produce specific wear and tear in one section of the mattress, causing it to wear out faster.

Today, newer mattresses are made with customized layers that may not need flipping. However, some still need at least a rotation occasionally. When buying a mattress, check with the brand or manufacturer if you need to flip or rotate the mattress or not. This usually depends on the type of mattress you are buying. Most of the time, latex foam, memory foam, and innerspring mattresses need to be flipped and rotated every few months to keep them in good shape. If you are interested in learning more about mattress types, you may read our Guide to the Different Types of Mattress Technologies

Keep Your Pets Out of Bed

a dog on the bed

It truly feels great to snuggle in bed with your furry friends. However, doing this also means you are inviting a slew of possible germs, bugs, and bacteria into your bed. Cats and dogs commonly have roundworms and hookworms. Most of them lay their eggs in your pet’s hair, where they can easily be shed onto the bedsheets. 

Clean Stains Immediately

Stains are sometimes inevitable. But instead of leaving them to dry on your mattress, it is important to spot-clean them immediately. This way, you can increase the longevity of your mattress. You can simply use a mixture of lemon juice and salt to clean stains on mattresses. Rub it gently onto the stain and let it sit for about 60 minutes. After that, wipe it off with a clean towel. This helps in lightening the stains. Some also use a mixture of liquid dish soap, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and water. 

Vacuum Your Mattress

It is also a good idea to vacuum your mattress at least twice a year. This helps prevent the buildup of sweat, dust mites, and allergens. You may also do this when you flip or rotate your mattress. When you vacuum your mattress, spend more time on the seams, as that is where most build-up usually settles. 

Avoid Bed Bugs

bed bugs on a mattress

Bed bugs are small bugs that can easily hide in all types of bedding, including mattresses and bed frames. They feed on blood and are usually most active at night. There are steps that you can follow in order to avoid bed bugs. One is that you should always keep your room clean and organized so that bed bugs won’t have a place to hide. Another way is by using an encasement mattress protector, as it works as a barrier for bed bugs. Also, be careful when it comes to buying second-hand furniture because there might be bed bugs hiding in them.


By following the tips we’ve given in this article, you can extend the lifespan of your mattress, ensuring it continues to give you the support and comfort you need for a good night’s sleep. Regular cleaning, proper maintenance, and investing in quality bedding can go a long way in preserving the integrity of your mattress. 

Always remember that a well-cared-for mattress not only saves you money in the long run but also contributes to your health and quality of life. We hope this post helped you learn more about the ways to extend the lifespan of your mattress. You may also read our Guide to Picking the Right Mattress for Your Needs if you need help with mattress shopping.